Filter mode for bracketed photo series (HDR)?

Thanks for a great culling application. For my landscape photography I rely a lot on bracketed photos (HDR) where the camera takes a series of three or five photos in a burst with one underexposed, one "normal" exposure and one overexposed in order to capture highlights and shadows. I use Affinity Photo later to merge the photos into one HDR photo. However, culling these shoots is a real pain as there are always three (or five) identical photos in the grid, where only one of them are normally exposed and suitable for comparing with the next normally exposed photo in the next bracketed photo series. I would love to be able to filter these type of shoots in order to more quickly compare the normally exposed photos for each bracketed series, so I can choose which series to go forward with. Perhaps it is possible to filter based on image timestamp and exposure compensation together, or to analyze the scene so that OptiCull understands these are bracketed photos of the same scene and only show the normally exposed one? I am not sure, but this would be extremely useful. Thanks again!

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In Review


πŸ’‘ Feature Request


5 months ago



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